shutdown8 software
shutdown8 software

2021年9月15日—Shutdown8isasmallapplicationthatenablesyoutoputthenormalshutdown,logoff,restart,sleeporhibernationmenuonthedesktopand ...,Shutdown8Portableisasmallsoftwareutilitythatletsyoueasilyandquicklyshutdown,logoff,hibernate,sleeporrestartyou...

Download Shutdown8 1.08 for Windows

2021年9月15日—Shutdown8isasmallapplicationthatenablesyoutoputthenormalshutdown,logoff,restart,sleeporhibernationmenuonthedesktopand ...

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Download Shutdown8 1.08 for Windows

2021年9月15日 — Shutdown8 is a small application that enables you to put the normal shutdown, logoff, restart, sleep or hibernation menu on the desktop and ...

Download Shutdown8 Portable

Shutdown8 Portable is a small software utility that lets you easily and quickly shut down, log off, hibernate, sleep or restart your PC, according to a ...


2014年11月19日 — Shutdown8 is a simple program that very simply allows you to add the shutdown button onto the taskbar and select the Shut down, Log off, ...

Shutdown8 1.08 免安裝中文版

2014年1月29日 — 電腦自動關機軟體- Shutdown8,很陽春的關機軟體,執行軟體後只會跳出右鍵選單,直接選關機、登出、重新啟動等基本功能是立即執行動作,若要使用計時 ...

Download Shutdown8

Features. Shutdown8 is a simple program that allows users to shut down their computers with a timer. You can add this program to the taskbar and select the ...


2013年5月31日 — Free Tool for Convenience Seekers. Shutdown8 is a special tool that allows users to add a timer to their shutdown button on their computer ...

Shutdown8 1.0 Download (Free)

2023年12月24日 — Shutdown8 is a free and simple program that allows users to shut down their computers after a specific time interval.


[下載] Shutdown8. 本站下載. 下載連結→ [免安裝版] 相關連結→ [軟體說明]. 最受歡迎免費軟體 第01 名:格式工廠FormatFactory(點閱次數:338,920)進站時間:2008.10


Shutdown8 is a simple program that allows users to shut down their computers with a timer. Users can simply add this program onto the taskbar and select the ...


2021年9月15日—Shutdown8isasmallapplicationthatenablesyoutoputthenormalshutdown,logoff,restart,sleeporhibernationmenuonthedesktopand ...,Shutdown8Portableisasmallsoftwareutilitythatletsyoueasilyandquicklyshutdown,logoff,hibernate,sleeporrestartyourPC,accordingtoa ...,2014年11月19日—Shutdown8isasimpleprogramthatverysimplyallowsyoutoaddtheshutdownbuttonontothetaskbarandselecttheShutdown,Logoff, ....

Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具

Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具
